Our HNI Stock Future comes up with wide ranging targets as compared to our equity future services. It is designed for certain active traders who want to get Trading in stock future Intraday and BTST (Stock Future Calls) considered as safe and risk averse but it also requires lot of technical expertise and understanding of market and future in particular and for volume traders, as the exposure increases the risk increases with Omni Capital Market Research leave the analysis part and understanding the future market to our highly trained analysts. Omni Capital Market Research Team of experienced analysts has hands on knowledge of future trading, based on the research done by these analysts, premium intraday trading recommendations in stock futures with bigger targets and Risk Reward Ratio: 1:1.5 generated for you. These recommendations are generated based on volume in the future in addition to the technical factors defining the market.
Ideal for: Intraday
Risk Type: High
Risk reward Ratio: 1:1.5
Delivery Medium: via SMS
Service Features:-
Note:- The BTST Stock Future calls will be closed before 9.30 AM and depend upon market conditions.
Trading Rules: –
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